Why do we Need Your Support?

Support Inside Prison Ministries YOU CAN HELP INSIDE PRISON MINISTRIES, an exciting prison ministry that, over the past 5 years, God has been leading Wayburn and Janae Dean toward.  The calling came, in part, when Wayburn was asked by the late Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship to lead worship and sing in

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Pugsley Correctional Facility (July 26, 2014)

If you’ve ever traveled to Northern Michigan, near the Traverse City area, you most likely have memories of large pines, highways lined with beautiful wild flowers, rolling hills and of course we can’t forget the majestic Great Lakes shoreline. These are among my fond memories as I have traveled there

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Full-time Prison Ministry!!

2010 was our first experience in prison ministry. Janae and I were invited to tour a few prisons in Michigan, leading worship and special music for the late Chuck Colson founder of Prison Fellowship and former White House aid to Richard Nixon. Since then we have volunteered our time performing concerts in

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