Janae’s Inside Report: Lakeland Correctional Facility – Coldwater, MI (6/6/15)

On June 6th we had a great time driving with faithful volunteers Jack & Bonnie Haveman to Lakeland Correctional in Coldwater, Michigan. Jack is vice-president of our board. His wife Bonnie is also very involved as she greets the prisoners and collects the names of those who come forward to be saved. Both Jack and Bonnie love to share their faith with the men behind bars.

We were so thankful to God for all the inmates who came to this event, almost 200. We had been there once before and had promised the men we would return. It is important to let them know that we care enough to come back. We desire to build a relationship with the existing body of believers there in Lakeland, as well as those unbelievers who are searching for hope.

Many in this prison are believers and what a wonderful time of fellowship we had, as we worshiped God together during the concert. Among the eight men who came forward to receive forgiveness and accept the Lord as Savior was a man of Muslim faith. He realized it was time to come and give his life over to the God of hope, joy, and eternal life. We thank our Lord for giving us this opportunity to see this man yield his life to Jesus Christ. This was not an easy thing for him to do as his life may now be in danger, but thanks be to God, this man heard the Lord’s voice and answered the call.

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