A beautiful outdoor concert at Carson City
It was great day in the sun as we had an amazing outdoor concert at Carson City Correctional Facility. The prison worship team “The Yard Band” opened up with a few songs. It was a joy to hear musicians from the prison sing and give God praise. The yard was full as many stood for over an hour on the other side of the fence to hear the songs and give God praise. On either side of us guys were playing basketball and others were walking around. We even had a few dogs in training visit the concert area.
Afterwards the men were allowed to come on the handball court where we held the concert and say “Hello.” They came with grateful hearts and kind words. Two young men wanted to tell me how much it meant to them. One of them, Brian, said that going to prison was the best thing that’s even happened to him because he found Christ there and is happier than he’s ever been. He is teaching a Bible study and avidly memorizing scriptures. He was with a friend named Brandon, who shared that he has been a Christian for a long time but had been living in the flesh, not the Spirit, for years. However, once he came to prison he committed his life to Christ. Now he too is helping lead a Bible study for others. They said that for us to come and encourage them with our music was like the food they needed to give them strength to carry on.