Ardo Draper, Resident Pastor at Calvary Church, joins Inside Prison Ministries

On May 5th, Ardo Draper agreed to join our prison ministry team. He has accompanied us on our last 4 prison visits. Ardo is a tremendously gifted speaker who is able to deliver the message to prisoners in a way few can. Ardo is a former prisoner himself. He served 25 years in state and federal prisons across the country.

While in prison, Ardo gave his life to Christ over 15 years ago and has never looked back at that lifestyle. He is able to speak the language and jargon that prisoners use which gives him a direct line to their acceptance. He has a ready recollection of scripture and is a great asset to our efforts in prison ministry. Ardo, is able to offer the gift of hope in Christ and tell why its important to follow him, using himself as an example.

We are grateful to have Ardo as part of our team.

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